About Digin.nu
A website about digital
inclusion and accessibility
About Digin.nu
A website about digital
inclusion and accessibility
Digin.nu is an information website for questions and challenges regarding digital inclusion and accessibility. The focus is on information, inspiration and guidance.
The website is run jointly by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), the Agency for Digital government (DIGG), the Swedish Agency for Participation (MFD) and the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM).
Who is Digin.nu for?
Digin.nu is a website for you who want, or need, to know more about how accessibility can become part of your organization.
The content is developed for both the public and private sector and is suitable regardless of whether you have little or a lot of knowledge and insight in the area. The idea is that the information on Digin.nu should suit people with different responsibilities and professional roles, for example you who work with business development and management or are a purchaser, IT manager, system administrator, developer, web editor, communicator or UX designer.
Why is a website about digital inclusion and accessibility needed?
Laws and requirements for accessibility are increasing, partly to balance the fact that society’s rapid digitalization risks excluding certain groups. Digitalization and technological development can and should provide greater opportunities to include everyone in society, not create sharper boundaries that increase exclusion.
In order to meet increased demands for accessibility, contribute to a democratic society and at the same time maintain efficient operations, we need to find good, efficient working methods and tools.
Practice and clear guidance are still lacking in some areas. We therefore need to learn from each other and find the way forward together. By spreading knowledge, information and experiences and focusing on opportunities and solutions, we can facilitate everyone’s work with digital inclusion.
About the authorities behind Digin.nu
The information website Digin.nu has been developed in collaboration between four authorities, all of which have assignments that include promoting digital inclusion and accessibility.
The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) works to ensure that everyone in Sweden has access to good telephony, broadband and postal services. Everyone should be able to take part in the possibilities of digitalization, regardless of functional ability and conditions. PTS has a special mission to promote digital participation and strengthen the development of communication solutions for people with disabilities and other groups with special needs. PTS also works to improve the long-term general accessibility within our areas of responsibility for electronic communications and postal services.
The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (pts.se)The Swedish Agency for Participation (MFD) is an expert agency that promotes work with the implementation of disability policy. MFD drives development, follows up disability policy and spreads knowledge and information about the area, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Enabling full participation in society for people with disabilities, and to attain equality in living conditions. MFD works primary towards actors within the public-sector.
The Swedish Agency for Participation (MFD) (mfd.se)The Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) has the task of coordinating and supporting the joint digitalization in order to make public administration more efficient and effective. Among other things, DIGG works for increased digital accessibility on public websites and has been commissioned to ensure that the law on accessibility to digital public services has an impact. The law aims to make the digital service more accessible, especially for people with disabilities.
Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) (digg.se)The Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) has a vision of a society where all reading is accessible. The mission is to give all people the opportunity to read, take part in social information and news regardless of reading ability or disability, and MTM therefore produces talking books, easy-to-read literature, Braille books, tactile picture books and e-textbooks. The agency is also a national knowledge center and a driving force in accessible reading, and participates in research on and the development of new ways to make media accessible to people with reading disabilities.
Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) (mtm.se)